William Adams  ウィリアム・アダムス

William Adams and Edo (Tokyo)


日本橋 Nihonbashi

The site of his Edo residence is commemorated in the place formerly known as Anjin-chō. If you'd like to see it, there is a stone tablet which was set up in 1951. It claims this was the site of his home.

日本橋にある 三浦按針屋敷跡の記念碑  Memorial stone at the site of the Anjin Yashiki in Nihonbashi

三浦按針の会・横須賀市:村雨辰剛氏 & 浄土寺(三浦按針菩提寺)住職ほか】第50回 日本橋・京橋まつり 〜大江戸活粋パレード〜 2023.10.29 @日本橋一丁目交差点

Ship De Liefde

オランダ船 デ.リーフデ号 

Tokyo - 東京 Marunouchi 丸の内 - 2nd street (Chiyoda-ku 千代田区)

The Liefde (Charity or Love)

was the first Dutch ships arriving in Japan. It left Rotterdam in 27 June 1598 together with four other ships for a circumnavigation of the world, commanded by Jacques Mahu and Simon de Cordes. None of the ships reached this goal. One ship 'T Gheloove had turned back before entering the Straits of Magellan, the Blijde Bootschap and Trouwe went lost in fights with the Spaniards and Portuguese respectively and Hoope to storm. De Liefdestranded in Japen near Bungo on the island of Kyushu on 19th April 1600. Of the originally 110 man crew only 24 had survived the journey, among them.

On 25th November 2020, a memorial sculpture commemorating the 400th anniversary of the death of William Adams was unveiled at the British Embassy in Tokyo

William Adams, who became an important advisor of shōgun Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was named Anjin-san (meneer de zeeloods). The neighbourhood Anjinchō in Tokyo is named after him.

The Japanese Sword Museum

