The impulse that motivated my search
Driven by links unsuspected at the time, I am irresistibly drawn to the Hagakure, the "Secret Book of the Samurai".
The Hagakure says it all, but in silence: the message is hidden between the lines, or "hidden by the leaves", to use the literal translation of the Japanese word "hagakure".
"The Hagakure says nothing about time or profit, nor does it encourage wasting time in a vague contemplation of emptiness. We live in the world and we react to events. The only question is: where do we choose to place ourselves?"
William S.Wilsons, Hagakure, the Book of the Samouraï.
"Somebody once said: "In the mausoleum of the Saint", there is the following poem:
If in our hearts
We follow the path of sincerity
Even without prayers
We will be protected by the gods.
What is this path of sincerity?"
A man replied to him thus: "You seem to like poetry. So I will answer you with a poem:
As everything in the world is only a deception,
Death is the only sincere thing."
"It is said that following the path of sincerity means behaving every day as if one were already dead."
"The Book, the one and only in my eyes: The Hagakure."
Yukio Mishima
The discovery in 1997 of the work of Rudolf Steiner
would turn my world view upside down, as well as my working and investigative methods.
RUDOLF STEINER, philosopher , scientist and educator , (1861-1925), has achieved world-wide fame as the originator of the Science of the Spirit known as Anthroposophy, and as a pioneer of genius in a variety of fields of learning.
"Steiner's gift to the world was a moral and meditative way to objective vision, a way appropriate to the psychological physiological constitution of Western man. If accepted in the spirit of humility, altruism and truthfulness in which it was given, it could bridge the existing cleft between a man's religious conviction and his intellect and will. It could add comprehension to our existing knowledge and thus revive the vision without which our generation will hardly find the solution to its problems."
Franz Winkler, M.D., Man the Bridge between Two Worlds.
"That the academic world has managed to dismiss Steiner's works as inconsequential and irrelevant, is one of the intellectual wonders of the twentieth century. Anyone who is willing to study those vast works with an open mind (let us say, a hundred of his titles) will find himself faced with one of the greatest thinkers of all time, whose grasp of the modern sciences is equaled only by his profound learning in the ancient ones."
Russell W. Davenport, The Dignity of Man.

The impulse that motivated my search.
By staying joyful. Above all, enjoy studying Fill your mind with knowledge and talent Illuminate it with these lights
And the inevitable result
Is a thorough investigation
Secret, yet allowed
Of the subtlest principles
And you will be able to clearly distinguish Good from evil, right from wrong, in all things. And so you become the clear conscience
Of the race and its past
For the Past dominates the Present
And you must revere its voice
Sovereign, imperious and manifold
And always listen to it piously
It comes to you through the rites
Which are precious caskets
Containing divine poems
The pure form of duty
The sacred hope of the future
Filial respect, the foundation of the family
The place that unites you with all those missing Since you are one, living and dead
They owe you assistance, and you owe them worship An exchange of manners which will outlive this earth Which is not just a futile custom
But the accepted gesture of a soul
Touched by its humility on the road to perfection.
Perfect manners in body and soul Reflected on the outside: divine politenessA
A courteous look, gentle words
The smile of an affable and respectful face
It is by practising this that you earn
The first virtue: self-control
And there you will find the sweetness of being loved.
If you can understand and follow my thoughts, the "Flowery Kingdom" will remain green
Keep the golden number, the new complete parts, plus the "First Digit" which guides the chariot
Where "Kapourous" the victor rejoins "Krisna",
the cold makes the night the day, and the day the dark night In a fireplace that seemed dead, suddenly the flame shines.
From your dormant hearts, let the flame of Love and Beauty burst forth. And for you the "Sacred Lotus" will bloom in the garden of dreams.
"Son of Heaven", working tirelessly.
When my voice departs, other voices will be heard, Those of the sons of my spirit, strive to understand them
So that the harvested grain does not perish.
Then your father will return
For no one truly disappears, every life begins again
By taking one step forward
Love the arts, love beauty Protect your poets
So that they throw their colourful dreams down onto silk
Let the pure kaolin express their dreams
Or let their brushes, by the "bird's talons", sing the glory of China, Art is the noble path of evolution
The revealing crucible where souls are purified
And your art will last longer than your monuments
Made of brittle, fragile materials;
The walls around your towns will crumble
Only the works of your spirit will not pass on.
Adorn yourselves with knowledge, broaden your souls
Become my disciples while remaining my children. So that the intelligent Pollen flame always burns on in your hearts,
conscious of your great responsibilities.