William Adams ウィリアム・アダムス
William Adams and Gillingham
St. Mary Magdalene Church
William Adams (generally known locally as Will Adams) was baptised in Gillingham Parish Church on 24th September 1564 (his actual birth date is uncertain). The Church Register recording this event is currently in the care of the Medway Archives Centre. Having lost his father John Adams at the age of 12 years, William then became apprenticed to Master Nicholas Diggins who owned a shipyard in Limehouse on the Thames. During the twelve years of his apprenticeship Adams learned shipbuilding, astronomy and navigation.
Gillingham Stone Circle.
A map of 1869 shows a stone circle near the church of Mary Madgalen. 19 stones were rediscovered by Mr L.Peters in the 90s.
Baptistry at St Mary Magdalene Church, Gillingham, almost certainly used for the baptism of William Adams
Will Adams, Baptised Gillingham Parish Church
September 24 th, 1576 (12 years of age)
William Adams Memorial, Gillingham, Kent. UK
Will Adams Festival
Will Adams Pub
The historical Dockyar Chatham